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Are You Looking Into Body Contouring?

Everyone deserves a chance to

feel confident and comfortable in their own skin, but sometimes our own perceptions can get in the way of accomplishing these goals. Many people far and wide pursue solutions to help eliminate fat, tighten the skin, and shape areas of the body to accomplish these goals, and others may simply aim to just slow down the aging process. Regardless of the reason, our team is here to help. In today’s blog, your Dallas, TX spa therapists discuss important facts to know about body contouring and the major benefits and advantages of informed care.

What It Means and What It Doesn’t

Body contouring can mean a lot of different things, depending on who you ask, but primarily means reshaping an area of the body. Specific treatments can vary, ranging from getting rid of extra skin to eliminating excess fat and contouring the area. Additionally, some treatment options may consist of surgical intervention – such as tucks, lifts, and liposuction – while others offer nonsurgical options using cold, heat, and other methods.

One common misconception about body contouring is that it is intended to help you lose weight. Though this may be the overall goal for clients, it is important to become informed of your treatment options and what your likely outcomes will entail. You see, different procedures can benefit your situation in different ways, and additional in-house treatment can help you throughout the healing process. To learn more about this process and what your treatment options may be, contact our team today.

A More Detailed Look

In-house spa treatments offer non-invasive solutions for fat reduction, skin tightening, and more. Of course, we highly recommend consulting with your primary care physician or specialist before beginning treatment. It is important to stay informed about your options and what to expect from the process.

Body contouring can be an effective way to soothe the tissues and muscles, allowing our trained specialists to displace unwanted fat to other, more desirable areas of the body. We work with you and referring physicians, so give our team a call to learn more about your options.

Why Do We Body Sculpt?

In all truth, body sculpting offers a number of advantages, including looking and feeling thinner and caring for your body. Moreover, different types of body contouring can better address your specific needs.

You see, nonsurgical body contouring is called lipolysis. Specific methods include using cold temperatures to destroy fat cells, putting deoxycholic acid into the body to target fat cells, destroying fat cells with lasers, and using ultrasound waves coupled with heat to target fat cells. Contact our team today to learn more.

Advantages and Risks

Prior to pursuing body contouring treatment, it is important you are made aware of the associated advantages and risks. In terms of advantages, those who have body contouring treatment have reported a younger, thinner appearance, smoother skin, symptomatic improvement, and more defined or well-shaped body parts.

On the other hand, possible risks of nonsurgical treatment include pain or soreness, swelling of the skin, redness of the skin, rash, hives, possible unsatisfactory results, and a need for repeat sessions. Ultimately, you and your doctor will decide your best course of action, so it is important to ensure you are fully informed. Give our team a call to learn more.

How Long Is Recovery?

Recovery from your treatments is going to vary depending on the extent of treatment sought. For example, recovery from surgical body contouring options can take anywhere from several weeks to months, whereas nonsurgical options have shorter recovery times. Additionally, our team offers post-op packages available to help you take care of your body while promoting healthy recovery.

Check-in With Your Doctor

We cannot stress enough the importance of including your doctor or primary care physician in your body contouring or post-op treatment. Not only will they have the insight and expertise to help make the call about the best post-op care, but they have your background and information prior to this step of the process, making them the most informed individual in the matter. Always check with your doctor first before pursuing additional treatments.

Other Ways We Can Help

Looking and feeling your best does not only come from post-op and body contouring treatment, and sometimes all you need is a little rest and relaxation. Our team offers an array of spa services ranging from massages and facials to body contouring and travel services. There is something for everyone at TNS Med Spa, and we welcome you to give us a call today.

Give Our Team A Call

Contact TNS Med Spa in Dallas, TX by calling 972-992-7422 to schedule your next spa therapy appointment with our team, and learn more about your post-operation treatment options today.

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